mercredi 21 octobre 2009

WCF proxy dispose pattern

Proxy error and disposing management is a common issue when you start with WCF. When you use a proxy, a channel is open and it's your responsability to close connection and manage errors and ressource disposing.

All these operations are fastidious, time consuming and make code more complexe.

The solution is to wrap all these operations into a single generic class who implements IDisposable in order to use it in an using block.

For example,

DocumentDTO[] list;
using (ServiceProxyWrapper<ContentClient>
    wrapper = new
  list = wrapper.Proxy.List(channel);

Thanks that, your code become more readable, more solid and more business oriented.

Complete wrapped implementation are below :

public class ServiceProxyWrapper : IDisposable
  where TProxy : class, ICommunicationObject, IDisposable, new()
  private bool disposed;
  private TProxy proxy;

  public ServiceProxyWrapper()
    this.proxy = new TProxy();

  public TProxy Proxy
      if (this.proxy != null)
        return this.proxy;
        throw new ObjectDisposedException

  #region IDisposable Membres
  public void Dispose()


  private void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (!this.disposed)
        if (this.proxy != null)
          if (this.proxy.State !=
      catch (CommunicationException)
      catch (TimeoutException)
      catch (Exception)
        this.proxy = null;

      this.disposed = true;

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